Status CodeIs Billed?ExplanationResolution
200YesSuccessful API CallNo action required.
400NoIncorrect or Incomplete RequestVerify your parameters and their types. Check the detailed error message in the response body for more information.
404YesURL Not FoundEnsure the given URL is correct. If the issue persists, confirm the company’s presence in the database.
429NoAPI Rate Limit ExceededConsider upgrading your current plan or get in touch with our sales team.
500NoUnexpected ErrorRetry the action and check the detailed error message in the response body for more insights.

Handling HTTP Status Code 404

In the context of accessing the Company Database, Piloterr does not levy charges for 404 Errors. These errors indicate that the requested URL is not found - this usually occurs if the provided URL is invalid or the requested company is not in the database. Notably, the integrity of the company database is not impacted by these errors.