Status CodeIs Billed?ExplanationResolution
200YesSuccessful API CallNo action required.
400NoIncorrect or Incomplete RequestVerify your parameters and their types. Check the detailed error message in the response body for more information.
403NoForbiddenVerify your permissions. Contact us.
404Yes*URL Not FoundNo data was returned.
429NoAPI Rate Limit ExceededConsider upgrading your current plan or get in touch with our sales team.
500NoUnexpected ErrorRetry the action and check the detailed error message in the response body for more insights.

Note: For the following endpoints, 404 errors are not billed :

  • /api/v2/company
  • /api/v2/company/suggest
  • /api/v2/company/social
  • /api/v2/linkedin/company/info